The Development of Medical Diagnostic System Based on Integration of Traditional and Eastern Medicines In this article is described approach of producing of medical diagnostic expert system which based on integration of traditional western and eastern medicines. If necessary, to clarify the probable diagnoses, the doctor should receive from the patient additional information about a… Continue reading The Development of Medical Diagnostic System Based on Integration of Traditional and Eastern Medicines
Month: January 2020
The Development of Medical Diagnostic System Based on Integration of Traditional and Eastern Medicines
The Development of Medical Diagnostic System Based on Integration of Traditional and Eastern Medicines In this article is described approach of producing of medical diagnostic expert system which based on integration of traditional western and eastern medicines. If necessary, to clarify the probable diagnoses, the doctor should receive from the patient additional information about a… Continue reading The Development of Medical Diagnostic System Based on Integration of Traditional and Eastern Medicines
Veterinary Medicine Engineering
Veterinary Medicine Engineering Do cephalopods change colour when under distress? How to measure heart rate simultaneously on the three hearts of a oyster? This manuscript introduces and discusses the challenges veterinarians face daily when assessing and treating animals and the opportunities to overcome these challenges utilizing engineering tools. Modern veterinary allied to sustainable engineering will… Continue reading Veterinary Medicine Engineering
Eggs Detection Using Otsu Thresholding Method
Eggs Detection Using Otsu Thresholding Method Egg selection process can be performed by either natural or artificial way. The latter can be done by using image processing. It is segmenting the image of an egg to obtain objects contained in the image. This study is designed to identify fertile and infertile egg by using Otsu… Continue reading Eggs Detection Using Otsu Thresholding Method
Finding Matrimonial Circuits in some AmerindianKinship Networks
Finding Matrimonial Circuits in some AmerindianKinship Networks We consider the problem of deciding the existenceof matrimonial circuits, and finding implexa in kinship networks.These networks can be modeled by acyclic digraphs. A mat-rimonial circuit can be seen as vertex-disjoint directed pathsfrom special starting to special ending vertices of these acyclicdigraphs. An implex is the set of… Continue reading Finding Matrimonial Circuits in some AmerindianKinship Networks
Deep CNNs With Spatially Weighted Pooling for Fine-Grained Car Recognition
Deep CNNs With Spatially Weighted Pooling for Fine-Grained Car Recognition Fine-grained car recognition aims to recognize thecategory information of a car, such as car make, car model,or even the year of manufacture. A number of recent studieshave shown that a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)trained on a large-scale data set can achieve impressive resultsat a… Continue reading Deep CNNs With Spatially Weighted Pooling for Fine-Grained Car Recognition
Development of Sports Engineering Discipline in Wuhan Sports University
Development of Sports Engineering Discipline in Wuhan Sports University The sports engineering discipline has unique and clear research orientations and complete talent development system. What’s more, the discipline has the key lab of sports engineering of the General Administration of Sport of China. The paper summerizes the sports engineering discipline development in the Wuhan Sports… Continue reading Development of Sports Engineering Discipline in Wuhan Sports University
Business Design for an On Demand Business Enterprise
Business Design for an On Demand Business Enterprise Today, enterprises are faced with the challenge of betteraligning the IT investment with their strategic direction.This is especially true for CIOs of the enterprises. In thispaper, we propose the concept of Business DesignIntegration that is a systematic approach to verticallyintegrate a number of Business Design related activities,ranging… Continue reading Business Design for an On Demand Business Enterprise
The Impact of E-Books on the Printed Books: E-Books Popularity, Growth and Future
The Impact of E-Books on the Printed Books: E-Books Popularity, Growth and Future This study aims to identify the preferences of the net generation readers in print and electronic media activities and to investigate the impact of e-books on the printed books, and try and see if printed books are being gradually replaced by electronic… Continue reading The Impact of E-Books on the Printed Books: E-Books Popularity, Growth and Future
A model to promote citizen driven government in a Smart City
A model to promote citizen driven government in a Smart City Probably the most valuable resource of a city is its residents. Even so, in some cases, smart city initiatives are launched without the citizens’ evaluation of the improvements made to their city. We propose a model to enhance citizen participation in order to support… Continue reading A model to promote citizen driven government in a Smart City