Android based GPS Clock System GPS (global positioning systems) clocks are synchronized clocks that are well-known for providing accurate time information. Usually, GPS clocks are used widely in public areas of importance, such as bus stands, railway stations, and airports. They are used by the military and other defense wings as well. The GRS clock’s… Continue reading Android based GPS Clock System
Month: October 2022
Controlled Robot Android App System
Controlled Robot Android App System As you can guess by the name, this is a phone-controlled robot that you can control using an app on your Android device. The robot’s circuit includes an ultrasonic transceiver module HC-SR04, Arduino UNO board (BOARD1), Bluetooth module JY MCU BT, DC motors M1 and M2, motor driver L293D (IC1),… Continue reading Controlled Robot Android App System
Product landing page create a ecommerce webapplication
Product landing page create a ecommerce webapplication Being the face of any website, a product landing page has the ability to target customers more than any other aspect through its visuals and various other compelling features. Design product landing page is vital for web developers to test practical skills and how convincing they actually are.… Continue reading Product landing page create a ecommerce webapplication
INTERACTIVE DESIGN PATTERNS DETECT php application The focus of this paper is on Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) design patterns and, specifically, Web design patterns as a subcategory of HCI design patterns. These patterns are generally expressed in a textual format, which is semi-formal. The lack of formal structure causes problems in the process of reverse engineering regarding… Continue reading INTERACTIVE DESIGN PATTERNS DETECT php application