—“Raspberry pi based blood bank system” proposed to bring blood donors to the one place. The aim of this system is to fulfill every blood request by using android application and raspberry pi. In the proposed system, data about the donors will be collected by using android application and raspberry pi by installing systems at places such as hospitals, blood banks etc. These data will be stored in the database. User/Patients needs to access application and needs to enter his requirements about the blood in the application the requirements are matched with the database and message will be to that particular blood donor through GSM modem.

Need of blood is drastically increasing. Per annum we require 5 million blood units and only 5 million blood units are available. This is the major drawback in case of emergency blood required some patients have daily need of blood those suffering from cancer. Even though the technology is developed still we fail to bring blood donors and recipients on the common platform. Accidents cannot be predicted. There may be blood requirement at any moment so direct communication between donor and user becomes necessary to avoid longer time span in the availability of blood [1]. Basically user/patient needs to send the request with required blood details from database data will be fetched and notification will be send to the respective blood donor.

The proposed system can be used to reduce time span between donor and patient. The system consists of android application, raspberry pi and GSM modem. There is direct communication between donor and recipient through SMS so in case of emergency this system plays important role. Results shows different screens of the android applications where user needs to enter blood requirements
