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Speed Up Link Prospecting With Lists

Say we worked in the gardening industry and wanted to find garden blogs to do some outreach. Our first instinct may be to search for “garden blogs” or something similar to that. This will certainly give you good results, but you’ll need to search through lots and lots of search results to get a decent amount of blogs.Speed Up Link Prospecting With Lists

As you can see, within the first few results are lots of lists of garden blogs that have already been curated by other people. This not only helps you find blogs quicker, but it helps you find better-quality blogs because the list has been curated. I wrote a blog post on link building using lists on the Moz blog which you should also take a look at.

You can then export these results into a CSV which will tell you which of these people have websites listed next to their bio. If they do, then you can go take a look and see if they’d be a good person to start engaging with and eventually, promote your content to.

Get More Links From Your InfographicsLike guest blogging, building links using infographics has become very popular over recent years. In general, the process for getting links here is the same as the content-based link building process outlined previously, but there is an extra step here that you can take which could get you a few more links.The technique is based on the fact that some people will embed your infographics, but will not give you a link. This is actually quite common, so there is often opportunity for you to contact these websites and ask them for the link.To do this, we need to start by getting a copy of the filename where your infographic is hosted. Note that we want the actual jpg, png filename rather than the URL itself. We can get this by going to the infographic, right clicking on it and selecting “Copy Image URL:”

Now you simply need to go to these URLs and make sure that there is a link pointing back to your website. If there is not, then you can drop a quick email to the website owner and ask them to add a link to the original source.
